A Successful OGC Team Day 5th November
A day to remember, remember...
Worries of a firework washout were unfounded as One Golf Club founder, Sandy Ganatra tee’d off on the first at Redlibbets Golf Club last Saturday 5th November. Seven groups, well contented after coffees and bacon rolls, watched in wonder as he not only kept his coloured ball in play, he flushed it down the centre of the fairway.
The coloured ball game was new to many of the members’ and guests, but added an extra dimension to the scoring and strategy.
Notable moments were Sandy getting close on the ‘nearest the pin’ 8th hole, only to watch the next group plug one within a foot. The final group coming in after dusk having let a four-ball match and a disgruntled one ball through towards the end of the day, struggling with the fading light they used their mobile phone torches to putt out…
A rolling supper of fish and chip (fantastic food and terrific service) greeted the players as they waited on the final scores. This was augmented by drink vouchers which were used by those non-drivers able to partake.
After the prize-giving (details below) Sandy hot-footed it down to the 10th tee to set off a short, but very impressive firework display for those that could hang around.
Congratulations to team winners, The Banana Boys, Raf, John, Ming and Ryan for winning the team event. And to Ming for scoring a healthy 40pts and winning the individual prize after a count back over Craig.
Finally a huge thank you to Redlibbets Golf Club who looked after us superbly on the day.
Redlibbets Winners
Stableford Runner Up – Craig
Nearest the Pin – Gary
Nearest the pin in 2 – Luke
Longest Drive – Luke
Team Winners – Raf, John, Ming and Ryan (The Banana Boys)